
At the Centre for Child and Youth Justice (CCYJ), research is the cornerstone of our mission to transform the justice system for children and youth. We believe that informed, evidence-based approaches are essential for addressing the complex challenges faced by young people. Our research initiatives are designed to generate knowledge that not only informs policy and practice but also drives meaningful change.

Juvenile Justice System

We conduct in-depth studies on the functioning of the juvenile justice system, focusing on the experiences of young offenders, rehabilitation processes, and the effectiveness of existing legal frameworks.

Child Rights and Protection

Our research explores the protection of children's rights in various contexts, including family law, child labor, and education. We aim to identify gaps in current laws and propose solutions to enhance child protection mechanisms.

Access to Justice for Marginalized Youth

Our studies focus on the barriers that marginalized children and youth face in accessing justice, including socio-economic challenges, discrimination, and lack of legal awareness.

Publications: Our research findings are published in various formats, including reports, policy briefs, academic papers, and articles. These publications are intended to be valuable resources for policymakers, legal professionals, and scholars interested in child and youth justice.

Study of the Functioning of the Juvenile Justice Boards in Telangana:

 CCYJ, NALSAR studied the functioning of the Juvenile Justice Boards in Telangana in 2018 which was supported by the Child Protection Resource Centre of Centre for Economics and Social Studies, Hyderabad and technically supported by UNICEF, Hyderabad Field Office.

 This report represents the findings of a study on Juvenile Justice Board in Telangana State. The study team collected the data from the ten districts of the state and the respondents included Principal Magistrate & Social Worker of JJB, District probation Officer, Special Juvenile Protection Unit, DCPU staff for their valuable time and responses. It also captured the responses from children in observation homes.

Study of the Functioning of Observation Homes in Telangana:

CCYJ, NALSAR conducted a study on the functioning of the Observation in Telangana in 2019 which was supported by the Division for Child Studies of Centre for Economics and Social Studies, Hyderabad and technically supported by UNICEF, Hyderabad Field Office.

This report represents the findings of a study on Observation Homes in Telangana State. The study team collected the data from the three Observation Homes of the state and the respondents include Superintendents, Deputy Superintendents, Supervisors, Probation Officers, Counsellor, House Mother and CCLs at the Observation Homes.

Collaborations: We collaborate with leading academic institutions, research organizations, and international bodies to enhance the scope and impact of our research. These partnerships enable us to share knowledge, leverage expertise, and contribute to global conversations on child and youth justice.

Get Involved: We invite eminent scholars in child rights, interested students and dedicated practitioners to engage with our research efforts as volunteers. Whether through collaboration, contribution or participation in our studies, there are numerous opportunities to get involved. To learn more, please write to us detailing how you can contribute to the Centre and how your work and interests align with our mission.

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