
Advocacy is at the heart of the Centre for Child and Youth Justice’s efforts to create a more just and equitable society for children and youth. We are dedicated to influencing policies, raising public awareness, and driving systemic change that ensures the protection and promotion of young people’s rights.

Policy Reform

We advocate for the reform of laws and policies that affect children and youth, particularly in areas such as juvenile justice, child protection, and education. Our goal is to create a legal environment that prioritizes the rights and well-being of young people.

Public Awareness Campaigns

We lead campaigns to raise awareness about the rights of children and youth, the challenges they face, and the importance of a fair justice system. These campaigns are aimed at engaging the public, media, and policymakers in meaningful dialogue and action.

Capacity Building

We work to build the capacity of stakeholders, including legal professionals, educators, and community leaders, to advocate for and implement child-friendly justice practices. Through training programs, workshops, and seminars, we empower others to champion the cause of child and youth justice.

Key Advocacy Initiatives

Child Rights Policy Advocacy

We work closely with government bodies, NGOs, and international organizations to advocate for policies that protect the rights of children. Our efforts have contributed to significant legislative changes and the introduction of new protections for vulnerable youth.

Access to Justice for All

This initiative focuses on ensuring that all children and youth, regardless of their socio-economic background, have access to the justice system. We advocate for the expansion of legal aid services and the removal of barriers that prevent marginalized youth from seeking justice.

Restorative Justice Promotion

We promote the adoption of restorative justice practices as a compassionate and effective alternative to punitive measures. Our advocacy efforts include working with schools, communities, and justice systems to implement these practices widely.

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